Chroma ATE Recognized as a Top 100 Carbon Competitiveness Company by Business Weekly
November 28th, 2024
Ranks First in Carbon Productivity Growth Rate
The "Top 100 Carbon Competitiveness" ranking, jointly developed by Business Weekly and National Taiwan University's Climate Risk Research Team, is Taiwan's premier indicator survey linking carbon performance with corporate operations. This initiative aims to evaluate how Taiwanese companies are embracing decarbonization measures in response to the net-zero trend and how these actions translate into tangible competitive advantages.
Pursuing Growth While Reducing Carbon Emissions
While Chroma has been focused on driving business growth, it has also achieved significant reductions in energy consumption and carbon emissions. In 2023, total energy usage continued to decline, with a carbon reduction of 1,696 metric tons of CO2e. Greenhouse gas emission intensity decreased by 54.89% compared to the 2021 baseline, total waste decreased by 18.33%, and the resource recycling rate increased to 75.59%.
Promoting Green Product Design to Support Net-Zero Transformation
Chroma leverages its precision measurement and smart automation solutions to support the net-zero transition across tech industries. Green design principles are integrated throughout product life cycles, including modular designs and digital circuit policies that reduce component usage. Chroma also leads the industry with innovations like the "smart energy saving" and "smart wake-up" features incorporated through its newly introduced standby mode, which significantly reduces power consumed by the equipment when idle. Such enhancements improve product energy efficiency, reduce size and weight, and lower transportation and installation energy demands.
For example, Chroma’s 63800 Series Regenerative AC Electronic Load reduces component usage by 50% through circuit digitization policies. Its standby mode cuts power consumption by 73%, while its weight is reduced by 85.6% and volume by 77.5%, significantly reducing energy use for transportation and installation.
Between 2020 and 2023, Chroma’s regenerative testing equipment collectively reduced carbon emissions by 242,218 metric tons, equivalent to the carbon sequestration of 534 NYC Central Parks. In 2023, green revenue accounted for 48% of Chroma’s total parent company revenue.
Chroma ATE has outlined five sustainability goals, focusing on technology and products, social impact, a friendly and healthy workplace, environmental sustainability, and a responsible supply chain. The company is committed to achieving net-zero emissions at its office locations by 2030 and across all operations by 2050.